
Don’t Be Fooled: Backup And Disaster Recovery Services Are Not The Same

Don’t Be Fooled: Backup And Disaster Recovery Services Are Not The Same

Data loss is one of the most feared things by any business owner. The thought of losing all your hard work, customers, and sales is enough to make anyone break into a cold sweat. However, there are several things you can do to protect your business from data loss.

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Virtual Infrastructure Management: Next Move to Cloud Managed Services

Virtual Infrastructure Management: Next Move to Cloud Managed Services

Virtual infrastructure management is all about keeping the company’s virtual IT infrastructure in a tip-top manner. It includes the software, hardware, and networking components for making virtualization feasible. It is similar to having a virtual superhero who works behind the scene and ensure that everything runs smoothly. For instance, the component creation includes a server, storage device, or network. VIM involves the management of the virtualized infrastructure. Not only that, VIM includes provisioning and configuring virtual machines, monitoring performance, and allocating resources. The next move for VIM is to shift from a traditional approach to a cloud managed services model. Managed services in VIM refer to outsourcing IT infrastructure management to a third-party provider. Moreover, this provider is responsible for maintaining, managing, and supporting the virtualized infrastructure on behalf of the organization.

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Making the Decision: Custom Software Development Vs. Off-the-Shelf Software Development

Making the Decision: Custom Software Development Vs. Off-the-Shelf Software Development

In today's fiercely competitive environment, creating software or an application that satisfies specific business criteria is essential for survival. Developing software specifically suited to a particular business or person's interests and specifications is called custom software development. Software of this kind is constructed from

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Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

Are you all set to know the technological advancement? For that, you have to step into the world of AI (Artificial intelligence), where computers can do tasks with the intellect of humans. AI can do everything, whether visual perception, decision-making, or language translation. Thus, it is quite accurate to say that AI can transform the way of work and living. With the facility to learn and adapt the changes according to the situation, AI is taking on the duties of humans by being creative and intelligent. In healthcare, transportation, robotics, and many other applications, AI doesn’t have a limit to modernizing this world.

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The Best Digital Marketing Services To Grow Your Business In Pakistan

The Best Digital Marketing Services To Grow Your Business In Pakistan

Digital marketing or online marketing is a kind of brand promotion for engaging potential consumers who use the internet or any digital communication method. With digital media marketing, you can build your brand's image and boost online sales by generating a huge targeted audience. Developing exceptional digital marketing strategies encompasses a variety of services, such as content marketing, performance marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and social media marketing.

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What's New In The Shopify Website Design 2023 For The Merchants?

What's New In The Shopify Website Design 2023 For The Merchants?

Cheers to 2023, as it has come up with some interesting and valuable insights for Shopify's partners and developers. Already Shopify has amazing components that make it at the top of the ecommerce platforms. But some innovations are made in the components, and we will expose them to the retailers. Before we glance at them, let's know simple steps to build your Shopify website design custom store if you don’t have one yet.

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